
Let’s get you back to feeling good in your body!

Work with me In Person or Virtually on Zoom

ONLINE STUDIO is available also - join here.

Can’t work out the way you did before surgery or treatment? Finding yourself winded and not knowing what to do or how to do it with the different body you now have? 

These are valid questions. Let me assist you in helping you know how to move this new body without getting injured or hurt. The 4 things that I emphasize are a workout program is endurance, balance, core strength and weight bearing work. By letting me assist you with making your body fit again, your quality of life in your everyday activities will greatly improve.

I do Stroke Recovery sessions too. More information here.


Wanting to Work-Out at Home but need Direction?

The opportunity is now available to work with me virtually through zoom. The sessions will be as if we are together in the studio. I will be coaching you Virtually instead of in person. The sessions will consist of warm-up, strength training, Core work and cool down.

What I have found over the last couple years is that by committing to a virtual, scheduled Workout your chances of canceling diminish. By doing this you become the strong, confident Individual you deserve to be in the convenience of your own home.

Don’t wait another day, book your sessions today!

Single Sessions

Tona will explain and help you choose the best option for you and your body when you connect.

In Person Single Session - $105
45 minute session

Virtual Single Session - $85
45 minute session online via Zoom/Facetime

In Person Packages

All packages include Unlimited Access to the Online Studio.

In Person 2-4/month - $330/month
45 minute sessions

In Person 6-8/month - $640/month
45 minute sessions

Virtual Packages

All packages include Unlimited Access to Online Studio. Virtual sessions on Zoom/Facetime.

Virtual 3-5/month - $340/month
45 minute sessions

Virtual 6-8/month - $530/month
45 minute sessions
